Everything seems to come together seamlessly when you find people of like minded ideals as yourself. With the vast scope of the internet, it has become soo easy to seek out subjects, ideas, or even patterns that influencers have created to draw you in.

With branding screaming titles of 'Radical Self Love' or 'Girl, Stop Apologizing,' there seems to be someone for... well, everyone!
I started really searching myself and dissecting my personal and career goals in my late twenties, and I dove head first down the Instagram rabbit hole with Gala Darling. As mentioned above, Radical Self Love was perfect for my post divorce, questioning everything about myself, emotional train wreck that was my mood-swinging self. She was so un-apologetically sensual, confident and engaging.
Not long after, I was seeking more information on how to grow Bombshell Beauty fast! Truth be told, I didn't have enough clients to pay my bills when we opened up our little suite. However, I knew that corporate salons were missing a vital piece of marketing with social media platforms that these Influencers were building their entire brand from. Way back in 2016, the Facebook algorithm with ads were doing their job and a sponsored post from a hairstylist marketing strategist popped up. I clicked the link and signed up for a webinar to hear what good things I was missing out on. If you're wondering, her name is Britt Seva, and she's now my business coach on a large scale. Her knowledge garnered enough waves that she provides two classes per year, a Spring and Fall. Signups sell out and people renew year over year.
At the end of that webinar, it felt like she opened the curtain and my entire online marketing plan was ready for me to start. She is the number one reason the Bombshell website was created.
I was excited about the website progress week after week and every new thing I learned, I uncovered a dozen more. So I joined her paid program in Spring of 2018 and couldn't wait to get to each new module. Then something clicked, in the fall of 2018, I had a huge idea and started looking at a larger space to host an artist studio where we could provide our own education on these topics, a place to network with other local hair stylists and really start funneling new stylists through the same path to help grow their careers. It was going to be amazing, to both grow the Bombshell Beauty staff and create something bigger outside the salon industry and into photography and modeling.
My existing clients know how that story ended, but I'll share it here too. The partnership I had grown into with another hairstylist came to an abrupt end and I quickly curved my plans into something new, changed my salon location and started Artemis Media Marketing at the beginning of 2019.
Without missing a beat, I moved my things out on a Saturday and was set up by Tuesday the next week and I kept on churning out beautiful hair.
Now that Artemis was up and going, I had to keep working and keep writing to uphold the momentum. I turned to listening heavy to podcasts of other hairstylists, Britt Seva launched a podcast and as I listened to each persons story, I realized that stylists have gone through a lot of heart break. Bouncing back is the only way to overcome it all, tell your stories and inspire others that may be listening and going through similar strife.
In the past seven months, I tested a couple of new influencers, women mostly, who have incredible advice and a captivating presence. Marie Forleo, who has been in my inbox for just as long as Britt Seva, surprised me last month, when I actually took a listen to her podcast episodes. She talks emotional parenting, creating success without losing your sanity, saving money with intention and everything else to help inspire you to live your best life. Her podcast stood out because of the professional production, her volume is perfect, her oral presentation rivals Oprah! The cool music cuts are perfection as well, and I can't forget about the introduction to all her guest speakers, some really leave an impact.
With all the hoopla I feel over listening to inspiring people online, they do their absolute most to encourage us to find our tribe. People you can have in real life to give you that kick in the pants when you need it. A shoulder to cry on when life becomes too much, and personal cheerleaders to celebrate your wins. I'm thankful that I have my Tribe as well as these intelligent influencers to guide and inspire me to living my own best life. I have them all to thank for the success I found behind the chair of Bombshell Beauty and the evolution that Artemis Media Marketing will go through.
If you are looking for your own inspiration in life, start with a podcast. Read through blogs to get a feel for the person. Not everyone I have found was perfect for me, their rhetoric was fire but the delivery wasn't my taste, and that's just fine because that means there is room for everyone at the top!