This year feels much more light compared to last year and I have all my wonderful friends and clients to thank for it. It's cliche, yes; but true none the less. I get to spend many hours talking to people each week and cheering them on with whatever goals they have going on or talking them through tougher life curve-balls. I'm beginning to understand that's my purpose in life; as a hair stylist self image is very important but I am the most low maintenance person on the planet (and I often wonder what I did to get so lucky in a beauty career).

I do understand the higher maintenance necessity, but I can't relate. What I can relate with, however, are the feelings that my clients go through, and it seems that a lot of my personal friends, too, are experiencing a sense of doubt in their own intimate relationships. I try like hell to squash those doubts with a listening ear and experienced advice but the one thing I can't change is your sense of self worth. Everyone has potential to excel in their career, in their love lives, parenthood, etc.; but oftentimes, their own fear of failure is holding them back. Then it's compounded with the what-ifs.
The best cure for that is self reflection. And the what ifs can be broken down with the sentiment: What's meant for you will always be. The most important thing to figure out is, Am I doing all I can to be the level of success that I aspire to be?

That answer will lead you on your journey to self discovery where you can implement the right steps to reach your goal. You have to create success, unfortunately it rarely falls into your lap. Whether you're looking Mr. Right or a high paid position in your company, I love providing advice that points you in the right direction. I just so happen to be creating a beautiful look for you while doing so.
In the wise words of the Black Keys, you gotta get yourself together babe... and treat that song as a personal love note to you. Be thankful for the opportunities that await you in the upcoming year and if you need help formulating that life plan, I'm here to lend a hand. Lean into your friends, or your family for support too, and don't be afraid to ask for help. You never know who has the perfect piece of advice you've been waiting for.