The vast majority of my blonde clients are lightened in one way or another so the hair is already sensitive. the lighter we take the hair, the less aggression that it can stand with outside forces such as hot tools, brushing and even the water used to cleanse the hair and scalp. I have two platinum clients that moved to new cites over the last year and the hard water change has turned their ends more brassy than we like. Products like Malibu Hard Water Wellness can help combat these issues. Filtered shower heads or whole home water softeners are available at your local hardware stores.

Expensive products don't always equal quality. I asked a long time highlight guest about her shampoo regimen to better understand hair health and her answer will surprise you. For a daily shampoo, she uses Biotera Color Care and Not Your Mother's Purple Shampoo on occasion to keep her cool tone between salon visits. You can quickly purchase the Biotera products here and the Not Your Mother's products here. Of course, no haircare regimen is complete without a moisture mask. I recommend the Kenra Nourishing Hair Mask for it's budget friendly price paired with pro results. The best application of a treatment mask is post shampoo, steamed in the shower for 5-15 minutes. Cool rinse after for the ultimate moisture retention. You may choose to follow up with standard conditioner, sometimes I do this for extra shine and softness if I have the time.
Cleansing and conditioning is just one piece of the puzzle when dealing with color treated hair. Styling is a huge part of the process, especially if you want to maintain the integrity that will lead to longer and fuller hair. Heat protectants are a non negotiable, going in with hot tools, even your blow dryer, without it will evaporate your color, zap the protective moisture barrier and begin depleting the cuticle and compromising the integrity within. Serums, oils and hair sprays can be used once the hair has been set, straight wavy or curly. These work double duty to provide style retention and hair protection from the outside elements like UV rays and high humidity.
Lastly, when sleeping, it is important you wear your hair up to avoid tugging or friction. A satin or silk pillowcase is highly recommended, or even sleep in a bonnet. You have made the investment in your hair

already, treat yourself with the tools to maintain it at home.
Oh, and turn your irons down! 350-450 is pro mode, where someone else is speeding through your hair.
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